Product Description
Dental Material Lab Implant Dental Lab Custom Orthodontic Solutions to Thumb Sucking
Main Products: Dental,Dental Lab,Dental Implant,Dental Prosthesis,Metal Ceramic Crowns and Bridge,Orthodontics,Zirconia Crown and Bridge,Emax Veneer,Acrylic Partial,Cobalt Chrome Casting.
Habit breakers do exactly what their name implies-they help patients break or stop a dysfunctional habit, like sucking thumbs or placing the tongue in between the front teeth. One of the most common habit breakers we use is the tongue crib, which is a fixed appliance that keeps your tongue positioned posteriorly and also keeps you from resting your thumb on the roof of your mouth. Usually the habit stops within days, but the appliance remains in the mouth for approximately six months in order to make sure the practice has completely vanished. Very often, in cases where the patient has an open bite due to the habit, the bite will deepen spontaneously after treatment with a habit breaker.